Ali is originally from St. Louis. She moved out here to attend Boston College (Go Eagles!). She fell in love with the area and never left. She now lives in Hingham with her lovely family. Ali has three kiddos, James(7), Brooks(5) and Grace (2)
◇ What do you love about the South Shore?
The amazing sense of community. There is such a great group of people here who all love the town. You can see it at the schools, on the fields, and at one of the many events that fundraise for local charities.
◇ What do you love to do with your kids around town?
The upcoming Christmas in the Square is a favorite night! We also log MANY hours on the Kress Field and fire station playgrounds. In nice weather, we like to meet my husband at the boat to have dinner at one of the shipyard restaurants with outdoor seating.
◇ Go-to Recipe?
Baked ziti. My own kids love it and it’s my go-to dinner to drop off when someone has a new baby.
◇ What is one of your most favorite moments as a mom to date?
My boys telling me the greatest musicians of all time are Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. My work here is done.
◇ What do you find to be the toughest part about being a mom?
Giving my three kids equal attention. I can work to plan activities, Christmas gifts, etc equally, but there are often moments when I have three kids crying and/or needing me for different reasons. It’s hard to prioritize and help one at a time. (And they let me hear it when they’re not first to be tended to!)
◇ What is the best advice you have ever received as a mom?
The days are long but the years are short. I try to remember that on my loooooong days!
◇ What is the best advice you would give to a new mom?
Cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to be late, it’s okay to wear pajamas out of the house, it’s okay to accept help from friends and family. With my first I kept telling people who wanted to visit to “just bring themselves”. By babies two and three I was placing orders with them for my favorite take-out dinner or snacks. You do what you gotta do to survive!
◇ What is one thing you never leave the house without?
My cell phone.
◇ What do did you do for work before having kids?
Before kids I was a buyer at Talbots, which is how we ended up in Hingham, several years later!
◇ What are you up to now?
Just this past year I started a fashion blog, Momming In Manolos, and you can follow me on Instagram for daily posts!
◇ Love it! Where do you love to shop for yourself?
Oh man, where to begin?!? Locally I love Chel Bella. Most often I head to Derby St Shops. And I will make the trip South Shore Plaza just for Nordstrom.
◇ Where do you shop for your kids?
I love both Carolanns and Nantucket Kids. Such adorable clothes! We also do a lot of CrewCuts, Gap Kids and Old Navy.
◇ Favorite must have product for moms?
Oribe Gold Lust Dry Shampoo. A lifesaver!
◇ Must have for expecting moms?
Directions to the closest Starbucks drive-thru.
◇ Favorite must have product for kids?
For babies, the JJ Cole Bundle Me for the cold months. It makes your life so much easier going in and out of the house. For older kids, a Rubik’s Cube. Sounds random, but it provides hours of entertainment for my older two and is small enough to easily take in the car or on a plane when you’re traveling.
◇ Go – To Spot in Town?
Tosca for date night.
◇ Leave us with your Favorite Quote..
“I have been homesick for you since we met.”
Which is actually a lyric from the Avett Brothers song A Fathers First Spring. (Listen and cue the waterworks!)
Thanks, Ali! Make sure to follow along Momming In Manolos for fashion posts and the cutest mommy & me outfits 🙂