Oy! We have been cooped up in the house with this weather and today is not looking any better. We wanted to share some rainy day plans and activities that have kept us from going stir crazy.
If you have any old boxes lying around (thank you, Amazon!) grab some paint, markers, glue and scrap paper and let the kids channel their inner Picasso. Turn that box into a rocket ship, lemonade stand or just a decorated box to crawl in and out of.
Need to get out of the house? Visit Kennedy’s Country Gardens and walk through the beautiful greenhouses. Say hello to Marty and Keoki (the friendly Parrots) and look for their cat Tigger who is always roaming around. If the rain lets up, you can also visit their goats. Need a project for when you get home? Buy a small pot and some seeds. Head home and spend the rest of the afternoon decorating the pot and planting the seeds inside. Educational and fun, voilà!
Didn’t make it out? Well, thank goodness for all those couch cushions, sheets and blankets. Build a fort. Make an obstacle course. Sit back and sip some tea, you have just won yourself some (semi) quiet mommy time.
Will your kids sit for more than 15 minutes? Go to a matinee showing at Mill Wharf Cinema or Patriot’s Cinema’s. Too ambitious? Get into PJs and have a “movie date” at home with popcorn and special treats. Change it up and find one in a different language. Never too early to teach your kids how to Netflix and chill…. or more like Netflix and learn!
Head to My Gym for a Practice & Play or check out their 3 hour fun days.
Visit the South Shore Children’s Museum at the Hanover Mall. Grab a pretzel and walk around the mall. Pop into Walmart and buy something you didn’t need.
Who doesn’t love bubble wrap? Throw it on the floor and let the kids pop away!
Visit the Pottery Playce in Hanover and paint some pottery (a head start on holiday gifts and ornaments)!
Let the kids raid your closet and have a fashion show. Who knew a three year old could walk in heels?
Blow up some balloons and you are guaranteed some entertainment for a little while!
Make a scavenger hunt. To the kids, it is just like hide & seek except YOU don’t have to hide or seek!
Create a bowling alley at home with some empty water bottles. Have stickers? Kill some time by having the kids decorate the bottles first. Grab a ball of any size and bowl away.
Target, because… Target! They sell several rainy day activities like play-doh, paint, and one of our family favorites, kinetic sand.
…and last but not least, our favorite plan, call your momtourage! Get the kids together, order a pizza and bring wine.
Post a pic of your rainy day fun and tag us #TSSM, we would love to see what you’re up to!
P.S. Hang in there, moms. While this weather definitely has us down, we are doing our best to keep perspective given what is going on around the world. Take a moment and feel blessed and grateful for your family and safety. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people who are still feeling the aftermath of the recent hurricanes. We pray for Mexico after the devastating earthquake and for Puerto Rico and the surrounding areas who have been hit hard with yet another hurricane. We will follow up with ways you can help or donate. Mother Nature…