The Whole30: a Lifestyle | South Shore Moms

You’ve probably heard of the Whole30 by now. From paleo, to keto, to Whole 30, it’s hard to keep track! TSSM is sharing all you need to know about what the Whole 30 entails and why it is so unique. If you have done it, let us know what you think! If you’re thinking of doing it, read on…

“The 30-DAY Guide to TOTAL HEALTH and FOOD FREEDOM” is how the Whole30 is described on the front page of the New York Times bestseller that covers everything you need to know when starting this program.

This appeals to many people simply because it is not designed to be a weight loss program, it is a lifestyle approach to live healthier and to appreciate your body by discovering how it reacts to what you are consuming. People are amazed by how much their body (and moods) change by eliminating inflammatory ingredients.

In the most basic of terms, the rules are as follows: Eat meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and natural fats. Don’t consume sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, or dairy. To truly call yourself a WHOLE30 survivor, you have to follow said rules for 30 days, 100% of the time. You can eat as much as you want (of the allowed foods) making it different from other “diets.”

The beauty of this program is that you are reconfiguring your outlook on eating. They say not to eat recreated junk food such as banana-egg pancakes, almond-flour muffins, and paleo ice cream because it defeats the purpose of recalibrating your palate. Like anything, your effort shows, and you get out of it what you put into it.

Some recommendations from TSSM’s who have tried it:

  • Find 30 days where you can truly commit. Ex: Not while you have a weekend getaway planned or a wedding.
  • Do it with someone else. Finding ways to kick bad habits and find new great ones is tough to do alone. Having someone to call when you feel discouraged can help you stay on track and finish strong.
  • Have a few go-to snacks for when you get hungry. Pistachios, prosciutto and plantain chips are all allowed with this program.
  • Eat ahead of your hunger. When you are starving is when you’re most likely to crack. Eat before you leave the house or pack snacks on the go so you don’t exhaust yourself and break the plan just because you didn’t have an easy fix.

The Aftermath: Why you’re doing it…

Everyone’s body reacts differently to this program but there seem to be a plethora of benefits. Some are glowing skin, less joint swelling, fewer PMS symptoms, less anxiety, more sleep, better balance… the list goes on! Additionally, you develop a love for cooking and an appreciation for food – isn’t that nice!

If you want to read of all the wonderful experiences, visit the WHOLE30 success stories. Go for it or don’t. Either way, buy the book because the recipes are quite delish…and healthy!

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