We’re excited for a little Valentine’s DIY. First, subscribe to our newsletter to receive access to all of our freebies! Once subscribed, you will receive an email with access. Download the Valentine’s card freebie, gather your supplies and follow the steps below! (Our Valentine’s cards freebie comes in both a pink and aqua version.)
Hole punch
Twist ties (you could also use string)
Jungle animals
Instructions: (Kids can help, too!)
1. Cut out each card with scissors
2. Have your child write their name on each card and/or draw pictures or a note for friends on each card. You can also write their name in for them.
3. Choose a jungle animal and align the animal in the center of one card and punch one hole below the animal and one hole above. (Hint: some of the jungle animals work better if you punch a hold to the left and right of the animal instead.)
4. Insert a twist tie into one hole
5. Place jungle animal on card
6. Secure twist tie over jungle animal and insert opposite end of twist tie into the other hole
7. Turn card over and twist the tie closed