In The Know - South Shore Moms


Local Love

Local Love

There's still plenty of time to make a dinner reservation or book that massage! Your local Valentine's roundup is here. Feel free to forward this to hubby (wink wink). Romantic Date Night Spots Alma Nove, Hingham Bia Bistro, Cohasset Ember,...

Weekend Roundup 2.9

Weekend Roundup 2.9

Love is in the air! We are happy it is Friday. There is a lot of fun to be had in and around the South Shore with your little love bugs. Don't forget to get your Valentine's (big and small loves) those thoughtful gifts and cards. Enjoy the weekend! Let's...

No More Naps? No Problem!

No More Naps? No Problem!

Get the Most Out of Your Afternoon Together-Time By Guest Blogger Abigail Sullivan My daughter stopped napping just before her third birthday. The horror! At first I tried to fight it by bribing her with treats if she went to sleep. Then I experimented...

Shop Red & Pink

Shop Red & Pink

Every year, every February, I realize that I don't have a ton of red and pink in my closet. For the love of shopping, let's sprinkle  a little color into our lives to get into the Valentine's Day spirit. Blame it on Cupid. Let's shop... xoxo...


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