In The Know - South Shore Moms


You asked. Dr. G answered!

You asked. Dr. G answered!

Q&A with Dr. Kristine Grazioso You asked! Dr. G answered... Q: When should brushing teeth become a part of our routine? How many times a day?  As soon as the first tooth comes in!  Up until that point it is recommended that you wipe down your baby's...

Meet Abigail

Meet Abigail

Abigail is originally from Hingham and so is her husband. They met in the second grade! They currently live in Cohasset with their two beautiful girls, Isla and Fiona. They will be four and two in April. They have lived in Cohasset for two years and love...

Superbowl Sunday Baked Sticky, Sweet, Teriyaki Chicken Wing

Superbowl Sunday Baked Sticky, Sweet, Teriyaki Chicken Wing

By Guest Blogger Anna Gass It's Super Bowl Sunday!  I love these wings because they are fast, easy and don’t require a deep fryer.  The honey in the sauce broils up nicely and gives you the crunch you desire without all the deep fry calories. If you don’t have sesame...

Weekend Roundup 2.2

Weekend Roundup 2.2

February is here and we're starting off the month with a bang. It is Super Bowl weekend and we're rooting for the Patriots like there's no tomorrow. Let's get #6!!! Hope everyone has a fun weekend celebrating. Roundup below. Around town:...

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids Yoga

What is it? Cosmic kids makes yoga and mindfulness fun for kids via a series of free videos and storytelling. You can find the videos on their website and on YouTube and can search by length, energy and category. Why we love it? If you're looking for a fun...


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