Mom Life | South Shore Moms


Organize YOUR life… with Lisa.

Organize YOUR life… with Lisa.

Nesting is a real thing. While I was expecting my third child, I realized I needed to get more organized at home. However, I wasn't nesting in all the ways you may think.  I didn't sort through my daughter's clothes and wash it all. I didn't prep the...

Weekend Round Up 9.28

Weekend Round Up 9.28

The last weekend of September! How did that happen? For all the fun going on in and around the South Shore check out our calendar! FLOWERPOT BREAD What better way to get your kids active and learning during rainy or chilly days than...

GO TO SLEEP! Guest Blog Post by Sleep Consultant, Hillary Catherine

GO TO SLEEP! Guest Blog Post by Sleep Consultant, Hillary Catherine

by Hillary Catherine, Hillary Catherine Sleep Consulting There is nothing like a rainy, cool week (and the kids going back to school) to remind us that summer is over. Done right summer is care-free and full of play dates, beach excursions, and pool days that leave...

Flowerpot Bread Recipe

Flowerpot Bread Recipe

What better way to get your kids active and learning during rainy or chilly days than a fun twist on homemade bread! Enjoy this fun recipe we found from BBC goodfood! 500g granary, strong, wholemeal or white bread flour 7g sachet fast-action...

Freezer Friendly Snacks

Freezer Friendly Snacks

 Holistic Health Coach + Culinary Nutrition Expert, Erin Parekh, shares some great snack & sweet ideas: Now that we’ve covered easy, healthy lunchbox ideas—let’s talk snacks and sweets. Because at the end of the day, we all know snack time is where it’s really at....


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