Mom Life | South Shore Moms

Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Oy! We have been cooped up in the house with this weather and today is not looking any better. We wanted to share some rainy day plans and activities that have kept us from going stir crazy. If you have any old boxes lying around (thank you, Amazon!) grab some paint,...

What’s in My Diaper Bag

  The diaper bag. I love em and hate em. I love them because they hold all of the essentials! I hate them because those adorable handbags I spent years collecting are on rotation as part of my toddler’s dress up routine and don’t make it out for date...

Hey Moms, We’ve Got You!

Welcome to your momtourage! was founded with the very simple goal of saving you time and energy by providing a comprehensive collection of local events and resources, building our mommy community, and creating a place where the mom talk...

Welcome to theSouthShoreMoms!

Welcome! We are here to be your go-to resource for everything in and around the South Shore of Massachusetts! From kid-friendly (and date-night) restaurants, to reputable pediatricians, and the best place to find cute and comfortable jeans, we’ve got you covered! Our...

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